It is a brand becoming more and more popular and Nucigs are beginning to be found in many households in the UK. They carry a vast range of units spanning the various sizes of batteries available on the e-cigarette market.
If you want choice of battery units they are well up there with the best. Nucig provide a decent range of refills at by no means the most expensive on the UK e cigarette market.
Our nucig compatible refills did not disappoint. They offered a fantastic array of flavours and strengths. In addition to a constant flow of new flavours being created month on month, it allows you the chance to experiment with our fun and unique flavours.
We recommend:
Switch to Prima
As you know we are always seeking to offer you the best vaping experience. Recently, we have been made aware of a new look-a-like cartomizer. We thought our White’s product could not be bettered, however, we have run a number of blind tests and they have all come back positive. We have to admit this new product is better all round; better flavour, better throat hit and an improved battery life.
The new product is called Prima. The Prima cartomizers come in three flavours, which you will find are the same if not better than the White’s flavours.
Use the code "VIPMePrima" at the checkout and get your starter kit for the unbelievable price of a £14.50. Yep, that's right a pack of 5 cartomisers, a Prima battery and a Prima charger all for just £14.50.
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